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12/16/2024 with host Jim Falk

Today's Panelists: Talitha Arnold & Rabbi Martin Levy. Today’s topics: "When the Holidays are Different" and a brief interview with Dr. Michael Robbins on Syria

While for many the holidays are a time for family gatherings, religious celebration and merriment, others may experience the “holiday blues.” In fact, according to the American Psychiatric Association, 31% of adults expect to feel more stressed this year than last. Contributing panelist Talitha Arnold, the senior minister at the United Church of Santa Fe along with Rabbi Martin Levi, the spiritual leader of Beit Tikva Congregation, share their insights and discuss ways to enjoy the holidays and support those who may be facing challenges brought on by unemployment, illness or loss of a loved one.

This program also features a recorded interview with Dr. Michael Robbins, the director of the Arab Barometer, a U.S. based organization that conducts public opinion surveys across the Middle East. Robbins shares his thoughts on whether Syria can emerge peacefully after the abrupt and surprising toppling of President Bashir al-Assad.