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How to transfer securities



To: Northern New Mexico Radio Foundation


To transfer securities:

Gifts of stock designated for KSFR are handled through the Northern New Mexico Radio Foundation.  To transfer, please provide a letter to your broker with the following information:

Cetera Investment Services   3Bu15276

DTC Clearing #0701

Please Note: Due to privacy requirements, we are unable to access donor information through financial agencies that process your transfer. Please provide us with the following information so that we may properly acknowledge and receipt your gift:

Donor Name (s) – first and last

Donor address/phone

Designate the name of the fund (s) and the amount for each fund

Name of stock and number of shares transferring

The intended purpose of the gift: “Contribution to public radio, KSFR101.1 FM” needs to be included in this statement  

Date transfer to be completed

Questions or information should be sent to: Tazbah McCullah, General Manager, KSFR.  Phone:  505-428-1379  ▪  Email: tmccullah@ksfr.org  Address:  KSFR Radio 6401 S. Richards Ave - Santa Fe, NM - 87508