Wake Up Call Segment Host/Producer MK Mendoza interviews the extraordinary and honorary Dr. Jack Loeffler, whose portfolio alone could be a book which you will soon find along with his life story in a memoir coming out as a book in 2019 called "Listening To The Songs Of Life". Besides going over his long list of accomplishments as a jazz musician, producer of over 400 radio shows, Fire Look-Out, Curator at the Museum of International Folk Art and Center for Arts of Indian America, Founder of The Central Clearinghouse and Black Mesa Defense Fund Environmental Organizations, and Founder of a 50 year plus oral history project that includes recordings of folk and indigenous music, and interviews with some of our greatest authors, philosophers, scientists, cowboys and salt of the earth, he has also authored 8 books, and much more. There's a reason he is a certified New Mexico Treasure. He discusses his philosophy and knowledge around the earth and the cognitive ability behind every living cell on this planet and the need to adopt a more cooperative respect for the dance involved between and within all living organisms. He shares his thoughts from one of his lectures entitled "Restoring Indigineous Mindfulness Within The Commons of Human Consciousness". Don't miss his extraordinarily engaging take on how to best harness and learn from life's most enchanting and marvelous miracles found in the natural world and the importance of incorporating and honoring them in the context of addressing our own human survival.
Link to just one of his books: