The Santa Fe County Sheriff’s Office is looking for an 18-year old former Santa Fe resident. The Sheriff’s office says Harlin Pierce is suspected in last week’s murder of his 56-year old father, Anton Pierce in Fort Davis, Texas. A news release from the Sheriff’s office says the younger Pierce may have returned to the city because he still has friends and family here. It also says Harlin Pierce should be considered armed and dangerous.
New figures from the U.S. Education Department show New Mexico is among the states to see the most growth in high school graduation rates over a three-year period. The state's graduation rate increased from 63 percent during the 2010-11 school year to 70 percent in 2013. Only Alabama and Nevada saw higher growth rates during the period. However, even with the improvement, New Mexico’s graduation rate remains among the lowest in the country and more than 10 percentage points below the national average.
Open government advocates say it wasn't a good legislative session for boosting transparency as lobbying disclosure and campaign finance bills failed. Of about a dozen bills — from requiring independent groups to disclose campaign donations to a two-year break for legislators who turn lobbyist — only a couple of measures made it to Gov. Susana Martinez's desk. Susan Boe of the New Mexico Foundation of Open Government says there were a lot of issues before lawmakers this year, but transparency appeared to be a victim. The executive director of Common Cause New Mexico, Viki Harrison, questioned whether there's "true political will" to make a change when it comes to campaign finance. Government watchdogs nonetheless praised legislators for starting House committee meetings on time and giving people a voice in hearings.
KSFR is holding its Spring fund-raiser this week—and we’re asking you to help us end it as soon as possible by calling in your contribution to 505-428-13-93…. Or toll-free, 1-866-907-5737. You may also pledge online—at KSFR-dot-org. Thank you for your support.
State energy officials say the downturn in the oil and gas industry could cost New Mexico around 2,000 jobs. New Mexico Energy, Minerals and Natural Resources Secretary David Martin told an energy conference in Farmington that the number of drill rigs operating in the state has dropped from 85 to 60 over the past year.
The State Republican Party’s keynote speaker during May’s ‘New Mexico Silver Elephant’ event will be former Hewlett-Packard CEO Carly Fiorina. Fiorina—the GOP nominee for the U.S. Senate in California in 2010—will address the event formerly known as the “Lincoln Day Dinner”—on May 30th in Bernalillo. Fiorina served as CEO of H-P from 1999 to 2005. In 2014, she launched the ‘Unlocking Potential Project,’ a political action committee seeking to engage and empower women voters and having them tout ‘conservative principles’ in doing so.
Santa Fe Weather: Mostly sunny today through tomorrow—today’s high 57, it’ll warm to 67 tomorrow. Tonight: Partly cloudy skies with the overnight low, 34.