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New Mexico Wildfire Update

Map of the Indios Wildfire
Map of the Indios Wildfire

This is an update on the two wildfires burning in New Mexico, the Blue 2 and the Indios Fire.

The Blue 2 fire is located 8 miles north of Ruidoso in the White Mountain Wilderness area

The fire was caused by lightning and began burning on May 16th.

According to the New Mexico forestry DivisionThe fire has not increased in size from yesterday's report, maintaining an area of 7,495 acres.

A Burned area emergency response team is arriving today to begin assessing the soil for emergency stabilization, to minimize threats to life in the area.

There are currently 489 personnel on the Blue 2 fire and containment has increased to 69%.

The Indios fire is located 7 miles north of the village of Coyote.

The fire was ignited by lightning on May 19th.

According to the New Mexico Forestry Division The fire has not increased in size from yesterday's report and is covering 11,500 acres

This fire is being allowed to burn under the supervision of 594 personnel to allow for natural clean up of downed debris and the completion of this objective has increased to 66%.