A Public Service of Santa Fe Community College
The Last Word

12/01/2022 with Rosemary Zibart

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My guest today is award-winning Santa Fe writer Rosemary Zibart. Her career covers almost every genre from novels for adults, children and young adults to film scripts and full-length plays. Most of all Rosemary is a storyteller, an astute observer of our times, and a fascinating researcher of times and centuries and characters steeped in the past. Rosemary is currently immersed in five different projects including a one-act play “Dizzy,” a delightful and insightful take on 19th Century British Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli, and a true story of survival in the harsh Utah wilderness. During our interview she offers tips for budding playwrights and novelists and how she moves fluidly from one format to another. You can find Rosemary on medium.com and at rosemaryzibart.com