Supporters say they have made changes to last year's bill that died in committee.
The program lost federal funding this year but wants to expand its focus.
Over 400 initial bids led to 45 projects being awarded.
The last interim committee meeting ended Tuesday with a discussion on possible changes to New Mexico's tax structure
A report presented to lawmakers on Monday states too much of the state's financed are tied to the ups and downs of the fossil fuel industries.
The New Mexico Department of Health wants to establish an Alcohol Misuse Prevention Office during the upcoming legislative session.
After a tie vote in October the policy passed on Monday by a 9-7 vote.
Sec. Kurt Steinhaus wants to focus on closing the achievement gap.
New Mexico leads the nation in per capita suicides of ten to 17 year olds.
Studen assessment results from spring testing show only one in three students scoring proficient in science and english language studies.