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Moment To Moment
Every first and third Wednesday 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Awaken to your Truth, that you are the “I AM” Presence in harmony with the Divine. You are Consciousness beyond the body/mind identity. Host, Lynda Hope will remind and enlighten you to know your divine nature. You were born into the body already Aware but forget it as you expanded your sense of identity, ego mind, patterned behaviors and habits. Stop sleep walking and wake up to your timeless eternal, formless Self!

email: moment@ksfr.org

From a listener:

"I just want you to know that I appreciate your program. I listened to your show last night. I think it is amazing how you can keep a stream of relevant words flowing that I imagine come from your inner stillness. It is so important to learn to come forth from our inner knowing and to be aware of the traps of the ego. I fell off a scaffolding a month ago and fractured my pelvis. I have realized that the fall woke me up from my rush to make money to pay the mortgage and to go live in Mexico. I have been trying to focus on the present and the creative endeavors that uplift my soul. Thank you for your program."

From another:

"Hi ... this was the first time I heard you. Wonderful satsang, thank you!
I am a long time Ram Dass / Hanuman person, and I need regular satsang."