Wake Up Call Segment Host/Producer MK Mendoza speaks with Founder of Santa Fe's own Fab Lab Hub, Sarah Boisvert about this week's New Collar Job Summit-happening at La Fonda starting tonight at 6pm. The summit is about strategizing how to better prepare our workforce for the digital age that is revolutionizing our workforce. The best minds on the cutting edge will look at how to better coordinate educational standards and training with workplace readiness and demand as well as policy maker support to provide students what they need to properly prepare them for a digital workplace culture that has already arrived. It involves every sector of our work place and includes everything from robotics, artificial intelligence, 3-D Design and printing, rapid prototyping, animation, movie prop creation and prosthetics to immersive environments and jewelry, to name only a few of the industries affected. Don't miss this vitally important community conversation on moving the needle forward in New Mexico so students don't get left behind in our rapidly changing world.
The Summit begins tonight and goes through noon Wednesday.
For more information on the summit, see link below: