A Public Service of Santa Fe Community College

Feb. 5 - Doctors Randy Knott and Eric Glasser on Measels in New Mexico

Since an outbreak of measles began last month More than 100 cases have been reported. The outbreak has been traced to the Disneyland theme park in California, but has now spread to several other states. The surge of measles cases has alarmed the Centre for Disease Control, which in 2000 formally declared measles essentially eradicated from the US. The cause of the measles spread is due in large part to the great number of parents who are not vaccinating their children. This so called anti vaxxer movement was born from a late 1990s study, which linked the vaccination called MMR to autism, a study that was later debunked. the doctor responsible for the report has since had his medical license revoked. Yet fears remain. KSFR's Zelie Pollon spoke to Dr. Randy Knott, assistant professor in the UNM School of Medicine Department of Pediatrics, and Eric Glasser, host of KSFR program East-West Medicine, about a confirmed case of measles in New Mexico and fear of a more serious outbreak. Listen Here

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