The New Mexico Public Regulation Commission is preparing to take up what some energy experts have called a watershed utility case that could set the stage for energy policy in the state for decades to come. Today, the commission will begin a two-week hearing on a proposal that calls for closing part of the San Juan Generating Station, a coal-fired power plant that serves more than 2 million customers in the Southwest. The terms of the proposal were negotiated in 2013 and federal officials have already signed off. The negotiations were aimed at balancing the need to cut haze-causing pollution with keeping customer rates reasonable. One environmental group has filed a motion seeking the recusal of Commissioners Patrick Lyons and Karen Montoya. The group is pushing for a decision to be made before the hearing starts.
Pledging to work in a bipartisan manner and to “put service above party,” while vowing to “never compromise on lowering standards for our children,” Governor Susana Martinez took the oath of office for her second term on New Year’s Day. Martinez spoke at the State Capitol during a ceremony with other Republicans elected to statewide office *****010515-Martinez-1 :32***** Martinez said she's humbled that New Mexicans have entrusted her with the opportunity to continue to serve as Governor.
New New Mexico Attorney General Hector Balderas took the oath of office at a public ceremony in Santa Fe Saturday. Balderas was joined by State Treasurer Tim Eichenberg and State Auditor Tim Keller, who also were sworn in at the Saint Francis Auditorium. The three were the few bright spots for Democrats on Election Day after Governor Martinez easily won re-election and the GOP captured control of the House for the first time in 60 years. Balderas, who replaces outgoing Attorney General Gary King, says he wants to build an agency that would serve as a watchdog to ferret out fraud, waste and corruption. He says his goal is to build the best Attorney General’s office in the nation: *****010515-Balderas-1 :23***** As New Mexico's top cop, Balderas will be responsible for everything from investigating and prosecuting corrupt government officials to protecting consumers.
A 32-year old woman who’d been staying in Santa Fe faces numerous charges including aggravated assault with a deadly weapon and aggravated burglary following an incident Saturday just before noon in which a shot was fired. Jailed is Erica Duran, who police say had attempted to burglarize several homes, and then broke a window at one residence and armed herself with a piece of glass. Santa Fe Police say the homeowner fired a warning shot before calling 9-1-1. The incident, in which no injuries were reported, took place in the 17-hundred block of Agua Fria. SFPD says Duran—who’s believed to be from Chupadero—was arrested a short distance away without incident.
New Mexico's former tourism chief says she is ready to delve into much less picturesque areas as the new head of the state's child welfare agency. Monique Jacobson tells the New Mexican that her desire to improve the quality of life for at-risk children will get her through what is one of the toughest cabinet jobs. Jacobson's appointment as secretary-designate of the Children, Youth and Families Department was among a round of cabinet changes Governor Susana Martinez announced last month. The agency is in the midst of a massive reform effort aimed at changing the way child abuse and neglect cases are investigated.
Santa Fe Weather: Sunny today through tomorrow, today’s high, 42….rising to 45 tomorrow. Tonight, expect clear skies with the overnight low, 27.