The new Los Alamos National Laboratory documentary “J. Robert Oppenheimer: Science, Mission and Legacy” is a love letter to father of the atomic bomb and a frank examination of his rise and fall. It’s also a justification for the nuclear weapons work that Los Alamos lab conducts today.
In August 1945, atomic bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan, killing tens of thousands people. Less than a month later, the Japanese government surrendered, and World War II ended. The bombs were the culmination of the Manhattan Project, an effort that brought scientists and engineers to sites across America to develop atomic weapons. Los Alamos, New Mexico was chosen as the site for final development and production of the bombs. Army General Leslie Groves commanded the entire Manhattan project to develop the atomic bomb. Robert Oppenheimer led the Manhattan Project’s Los Alamos team during the war years.
The documentary features commentary on Oppenheimer and his lab from scientists, engineers, biographers and others. His successes are highlighted as well as his downfall following national security hearings in 1954.
KSFR reporter Mary Lou Cooper interviews Los Alamos National Laboratory senior historian Alan Carr about Oppenheimer and the new documentary. To view the three-part Los Alamos documentary, click on:
Part 1, J. Robert Oppenheimer: Science (Part 1) - YouTube
Part 2, J. Robert Oppenheimer: Mission (Part 2) - YouTube
Part 3, J. Robert Oppenheimer: Legacy (Part 3) - YouTube
Thanks to Los Alamos National Laboratory for allowing KSFR to use documentary audio excerpts and the photo of Oppenheimer in this story.