Four members of The Santa Fe Governing Body will introduce a resolution this week directing City Manager John Blair to take the next steps based on the recommendations of the final CHART report.
The report was presented to the city council in August. It was commissioned in the aftermath of the destruction of the Soldiers Monument and what should be done with the Obelisk.
Cosponsor Carol Romero-Wirth says the resolution states some specifics of what they would like to see be done.
“We want to see particular plaques here, (at the Obelisk). We want to see the original pieces of the Obelisk bonded together with some sort of modern material that shows in an artistic way, the fractures,” she said. “We want to tell that story and we want to learn from our history. We want one of the plaques pledges going forward in a way that’s different from where we’ve been.”
Along with Romero-Wirth, the resolution is also being introduced by Counselors Renee Villarreal, Amanda Chavez, and Chris Rivera to represent all four of the city’s council districts.
Mayor Alan Webber and Councilor Michael Garcia have asked to also become cosponsors.
The resolution will be heard in all council committees beginning later this month with a vote by the full Governing Body likely in early March.