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Suicide Prevention

In recognition of suicide prevention week, KSFR produced a four-part series looking at Youth suicide in New Mexico. 

Suicide continues to be one of the leading causes of death for youth, ages 15-24 in the state with New Mexico youth having among the highest rates in the nation for suicide thoughts and attempts.  

We begin the series with the story of one parent. Patricia Christianson lost her 15-year-old daughter Ariel more than 8 years ago to what she calls the epidemic of bullying. A word of warning to listeners, and particularly those parents who may have lost a child, that this segment contains graphic imagery and language. This is Patty Christianson.

Inpart twoof the series, KSFR’s Zelie Pollon speaks with Apryl Miller, Executive Director of New Mexico's Suicide Intervention Project, The Sky Center.

Inpart Threeof the series, we explore one program that creates peer to peer mentoring in schools, helping students learn to guide their peers out of harm’s way. KSFR'sZeliePollon caught up with a group of so called Natural Helpers during their all–day training session at the Santa Fe Mountain Center.

Inpart four, our last in a week long series on Youth Suicide, we look at specific interventions applied in schools and by The Sky Center

There are many resources available. Some of the are listed below:

The SKY Center is located at DeVargas Middle School
1720 Llano St Santa Fe, NM 87505
Telephone: 505-473-6191  
Fax: 505-983-0833
Email: theskyctr@gmail.com
Directions to SKY: (map it)

1. Take St. Francis to St. Michaels Dr.
2. Head west toward Cerrillos Rd
3. Turn left onto Llano St
4. Turn right into DeVargas’ faculty/staff parking lot
5. Walk through black gate on left at rear
6. Follow signs to SKY

The Crisis Text Line — a free, confidential 24-hour service accessible via the number 741741. The text line currently has more than 600 volunteer counselors around the country. Crisistextline.org

For Prevention New Mexico:

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-TALK (1-800-273-8255) Available 24/7! 

National Help/Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-TALK (8255) or 1-800-SUICIDE (784-2433)

Native Youth Crisis Hotline: 1-877-209-1266

Trevor Lifeline:  1-866-488-7386       

The Trevor Project is the leading national organization providing crisis intervention and suicide prevention services to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning youth.  

Agora Crisis Center:  (505) 277-3013 (in Albuquerque) or 1-866-HELP-1-NM  (1-866-435-7166)

Anyone can call Agora; you don't have to be in crisis! You can talk about good things, bad things, stress, angler, loneliness, or just vent! Their highly trained volunteers are ready to provide compassionate, non-judgmental listening. They are also a great source for referrals if you need to know who to get in touch with for your specific needs. 

Chat Resources>>>

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline:  www.SuicidePreventionLifeline.org

Available noon to midnight, Mountain time.

Internet Resources>>>


A youth suicide resource titled “Our Nation's Young and Suicide” published by Lisa Wright, PT, Ph.D., a professor in the College of Social and Behavioral Sciences at Purdue Global. The resource provides detailed information on risk factors and warnings in regard to suicide prevention strategies. Also included in the resource are warning signs that educators and peers can be aware of in a classroom setting. 

Suicide Prevention Resource Center: www.sprc.org

SPRC works to advance the National Strategy for Suicide Prevention and provides support, training, and resources for the development of suicide prevention programs. This is the home of the Best Practice Registry. Sign up on the home page for the Weekly Spark -- news, research summaries, and announcements related to suicide and mental health. 

American Foundation for Suicide Prevention:  www.afsp.org

AFSP is the leading national not-for-profit organization exclusively dedicated to understanding and preventing suicide through research, education and advocacy, and to reaching out to people with mental disorders and those impacted by suicide. 

American Association of Suicidology: www.suicidology.org  

An excellent resource. Includes fact sheets, publications, and all the important links to other sites. They also host an annual conference for suicide prevention and for survivors. 

The Search Institute:  www.search-institute.org

The site for information on and practical application of the strength-based Developmental Assets research.

Youth Suicide Prevention School Based Guide:  theguide.fmhi.usf.edu

The definitive publication, free to download, that compiles the best models used throughout the country for suicide prevention and postvention in schools. 

A Practical Guide for Crisis Response in Our Schools by  Lerner, Volpe, Lindell
. This publication, offered at a reasonable price, includes excellent information for understanding and managing acute traumatic stress and empowering educators during traumatic events. Can be purchased here.

Multi-Cultural Competencies: www.k-state.edu/udguidesite/G8.htm

One of many sites that may help mentors to help youth prepare to live successfully and in peace in our diverse world. 

National Registry for Evidence-Based Programs and Practices: http://www.samhsa.gov/nrepp

Co-Occurring Disorders -  Helpful information on suicide and how substance abuse affects it.

New Mexico Resources>>>
NMDOH Office of School and Adolescent Health:  www.nmschoolhealth.org

This office of the New Mexico Department of Health's mission is to improve the health of all adolescents in New Mexico. Find out what is happening all over NM to improve the well-being of our youth. 

New Mexico Suicide Prevention Coalition:  www.nmsuicideprevention.org

NMSPC is devoted to suicide prevention, intervention and postvention. They provide education, support and advocacy to reduce the suicide rate in New Mexico. 

NM-IBIS (Indicator-Based Information System): ibis.health.state.nm.us

New Mexico's public heath data resource. 

NMDOH Youth Risk and Resiliency Survey:  www.youthrisk.org

Statewide and county-by-county survey results.

People Resources>>>    

(for all things "youth" at the NMDOH, Office of School & Adolescent Health)

Nancy Kirkpatrick, Youth Suicide Prevention Program Coordinator

Phone: (505) 222-8683, E-mail: nancy.kirkpatrick@state.nm.us

Tessa Medina-Lucero, NM State Positive Youth Development Coordinator/ Adolescent Health Coordinator

Phone: (505) 222-8681, E-mail: tessa.medina-lucero@state.nm.us

Gerard's House: Gerard’s House is a safe place for grieving children, teens and families, where healing happens through acceptance and peer support. 



Granite Recovery Centers:

Green Mountain Treatment Center: